Clearbrook Interchange
2010 -2011; Project Value: $25 Million
Project Summary:
Identified as a priority in the City of Abbotsford’s Transportation Master Plan, the $25 million project to upgrade the Clearbrook Road / Highway 1 interchange was announced in April 2009 as a partnership between the City, the Province of BC, and the Government of Canada. The new interchange is designed to improve safety, accommodate higher traffic volumes and improve access to industrial and agricultural areas. These improvements also mean easier access between the city core and community amenities such as the Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre, the Abbotsford Entertainment and Sports Centre, the University of the Fraser Valley campus, and the Abbotsford International Airport.
The original interchange was constructed in 1961 to serve a population of 20,000 and, by 2010, the interchange carried 25,000 vehicles per day.
Activities: Working with the City of Abbotsford, Jack Stuempel and Associates delivered public consultation, communications and issues managment services that included:
Preparation and distribution of public information materials, including content for a project website (subsequently migrated to the City of Abbotsford site).
Strategic consultation and issues management support to project staff during key stakeholder contact, correspondence, meetings, partnering sessions, etc.
Solicitation of public input on preliminary design via a public open house and the website during the preliminary design process.
Public and stakeholder notification of regular traffic advisories and project updates during implementation phase.
Results: Input received during consultations was applied during the design process, and a high level of awareness was maintained throughout the design and construction period.