Kicking Horse
Canyon Project

2004 -Present (4 phases); Combined Project Value: $927 Million

Project Summary:

The Kicking Horse Canyon Project, being undertaken with federal funding assistance, involves upgrading approximately 26 kilometres of the Trans-Canada Highway from the junction of Highway 95 in Golden to the western boundary of Yoho National Park to a modern four lane standard, including bridge replacements.

The project, which includes the construction of several new and replacement bridges, has been undertaken in several phases, the first three of which are complete.  Phase 1, involved the construction of a new Yoho (5 Mile) Bridge and approaches. Phase 2 replaced the Park (10-Mile) Bridge and constructed nearly 6 kilometres of highway. Phase 3, consisted of two segments at the east end and near the west end of the project. Phase 4, comprising the difficult canyon section, achieved substantial completion in late 2023.

Activities: As part of the owner’s engineer team, Jack Stuempel and Associates has provided advice and services in stakeholder relations and public engagement to the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and more recently, Transportation Investment Corporation.  This includes strategic management and support in:

Results: Local, provincial, national and international awareness and support for the Kicking Horse Canyon Project is high.  Input was solicited and applied in the design process, and an ongoing dialogue has been maintained with a liaison committee representing a cross-section of the local community and other key stakeholders. Community leaders and public comments have described the engagement & communications program for the Kicking Horse Canyon Project as a model to be emulated by other transportation projects.